
加拿大约克大学梁栋教授——Energy-Conserved S-FDTD Schemes fo

2010年07月29日 14:26  点击:[]

Energy-Conserved S-FDTD Schemes for Maxwell's Equations in 3D
报告人:Professor Dong Liang, York University, Toronto, Canada
(加拿大约克大学   梁栋教授)
内容简介:Computational electromagnetics has been playing a more and more important role in the electromagnetic industry. Numerical modeling has emerged recently as a crucial enabling technology for many areas of application in the modern society, such as radio-frequency, microwave, integrated optical circuits, antennas, and wireless engineering. It is of special importance to develop efficient numerical methods for effective and accurately simulating propagation of electric and magnetic waves in large scale field and long time duration. On the other aspect, in lossless medium, it is well known that the electromagnetic energy of the wave is constant at different times. Thus, keeping physically this invariance in time is a greatly important issue in constructing efficient numerical schemes for computing propagation of electromagnetic waves. However, most previous ADI or splitting schemes break this property of energy conservation. In this study, we develop energy-conserved splitting finite-difference time-domain schemes for Maxwell's equations electromagnetic computation. Both theoretical analysis and numerical experiment are taken to show the efficiency of the new schemes.
This is joint work with W. Chen and X. Li.

上一条:【暑期学校学术前沿讲座】尚在久研究员——哈密尔顿系统的辛几何 下一条:复旦大学新葡的京集团8814苏仰锋教授——Model Order Reduction in I
