
【暑期学校学术前沿讲座】夏重杭副教授——Some Methods for Col

2010年07月27日 14:28  点击:[]

报告题目:Some Methods for Collaborative Filtering

报告时间: 7 28  15:00-16:00




内容摘要:In a large-scale collaborative filtering system, pairwise similarity between users is usually measured by users’ ratings on the whole set of items. However, this measurement may not be well defined due to the sparsity problem, i.e., the lack of adequate ratings on items for calculating accurate predictions. In fact, most correlated users have similar ratings only on a subset of items. In this talk, we discuss some existing methods for collaborative filtering system.


报告人简介:Zhonghang Xia is an Associate Professor of Department of Mathematics & Computer Science at  Western Kentucky   University . He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from  University  of  Texas  at  Dallas  in 2004. His research interests focus on data mining, machine learning, computer networks, and optimization. He has published extensively in these areas in leading conferences and journals. He won Faculty Scholarship Awards at WKU in 2006 and 2009.


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