
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations

2015年05月29日 11:18  点击:[]

Hausdoff center for mathematics


Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations

Date: SEPTEMBER 7-9, 2015

Organizers: Ivo Babuška, Jiun-Shyan Chen, Wing Kam Liu, Antonio Huerta, Harry Yserentant , Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitze



To the memory of Ted Belytschko

This symposium aims to promote collaboration among engineers ,mathematicians, and computer scientists and industrial researchers to address the development,mathematical analysis ,and application of meshfree and particle methods especially to multiscale phenomena. It  the 2-year-cycled Workshops on Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations.


This particular instance is dedicated to the memory and contributions of Ted Belyschko.While contributions in all aspects of meshfree method are invited.



Invited Speaker

Uday BanerjeeSU Syracuse      Robert Schaback GAU,Gottingen

Susanne Brenner LSU,Lousiana  Pablo Seleson ORNL,Oak Ridge

Armando Duarte UIUC,llinois     Angelo Simone TU Delft,Delft 

John Foster UT,Texas           Deborah Sulsky UNM .New Mexico

Robert Lipton LSU, Lousiana     Lucy Zhang RPI,Rensselaer




Contact: http://wissrech.ins.uni-bonn.de/meshfree/



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